Day 3: My Dinner With Andre
Me, wondering why people like this movie so much.
Review: I'm really struggling with this one. I didn't like it! Am I crazy? Am I less cultured than others? My friend and I screamed each time Wally (not "Wallace") said "Tell me more." This movie had its moments but I must say that overall, I just don't think I care what two guys have to say about theater. That said, I'd like to try to contextualize my lack of appreciation. This came out in 1981, I'm seeing it in 2016. In that time, so many movies have done similar things in ways that I connect to so much more. The best example, is The Trip, which is similar in so many ways except for: it's got JOKES. The only joke in My Dinner with Andre is the cosmic one being played on me where everyone in my life thinks something I don't like is great. I am going to give it another go later on, alone.
Recommended by: Paste Magazine 100 Best Movies on Hulu
Seen with: Joe Kwaczala
Location: Home, Hulu