Day 24: The Birdcage

Review: I've heard so much about this movie and its importance to LGBTQ representation in film and am so glad I finally got around to seeing it. I have to admit that I was scared this was going to be dated and offensive, and was relieved to see it held up relatively well. Seeing this movie 20 years after it came out, I can understand that the portrayal was meant to be loving and humanizing as opposed to something for us to laugh at. Still, I DID laugh and it sometimes wasn't at parts I was supposed to. That said, I loved everyone's performance and it was really great to see Robin Williams in something I hadn't seen him in before. The whole cast was fun but Dianne Wiest stole the goddamn show. 

Seen with: Joe Kwaczala 

Location: Home


Day 25: Slow Learners


Day 23: We Are The Best